What does a weight loss coach make for New Year's Resolutions?
Actually I don't believe in resolutions in the traditional sense (like "I'll never eat chocolate or junk food again") as they sound like they expect perfection from January 1 and failure is inevitable. Goals ... now they are fine especially the kind that give you a healthy target to aim for without expecting perfect performance to arrive there.
If I've anything in mind it's about getting back into drinking more water. When I do, my skin and energy improve and everything feels brighter and clearer than when I drink too much coffee (even though it's decaffeinated weak coffee I drink). I've never quite managed to make 8 glasses of day a habit though.
I'd also like to do more hill walking this year - Edinburgh is built on 7 hills and is not far from quite a few beautiful walks. That one will have to wait for the spring though - I am definitely a fair-weather hill walker.
How about you? What resolutions have you made this year?
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